We all desire to look healthy and smart. For this purpose, we must maintain our weight within a healthy range as both underweight and overweight can cause problems. For weight management, it is very necessary to measure body weight regularly as this will give us a sense if we need to gain or lose weight.
Weight management is defined as both the methods and underlying physiological procedures that play a role in achieving and maintaining certain body weight. It involves using meaningful ways to track weight with time and identify different individuals' ideal body weight.
Following factors affect the weight of an individual
I. Diet
II. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
III. Physical Activity
IV. Environmental factors
V. Medications
VI. Genetics
VII. Disease Condition
VIII. Sleep
These factors affect the weight to different extents. But the major factor influencing an individual’s weight is diet.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
It is a value used to get a general idea of an individual's overall mass and is calculated using a person's height and weight. It is a preferred method than weight alone to determine if a person is underweight, average weight, overweight, or obese. It is calculated as:
BMI = Weight (kg) / Height2 (m2) OR BMI = [ Weight (lbs) / Height2 (in2) ] x 703
According to WHO, weight status can be classified based on body mass index as follows:
I. Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
II. Normal weight: BMI of 18.5 to 24.9
III. Overweight: BMI of 25 to 29.9
IV. Obesity: BMI of 30 or higher
Waist Size
Another reading to consider is waist size in inches. Having too much fat around your waist may increase health risks even more than having fat in other parts of your body. Women with a waist size of more than 35 inches and men with a waist size of more than 40 inches may have higher chances of developing diseases related to obesity.
Importance of maintaining a healthy weight
Maintaining weight is very necessary for health. It can decrease the chance of the occurrence of diseases related to obesity. It makes you fit and lessen lethargy.
Approaches to maintain a healthy weight
Take more protein food
Eat low-calorie food
Use smaller size plates
Increase dairy food intake
Use fiber-rich food
Take green tea
Do regular exercise
Avoid fatty food
Eat salad daily
Overweight or obesity is the root cause of many health-related problems. As fat accumulates in your body, many of your body functions are disturbed, and this may lead to diseases. The health risks associated with overweight are given below:
Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack
High blood pressure
Breathing disorders such as sleep apnea
Fatty liver disease
Some types of cancer
Kidney disease
Pregnancy problems, such as high blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery (C-section)
According to research conducted in 2019, the majority of overweight individuals globally are of 18years or above. With an increase in age, the risk of obesity increases, so health problems also increase. Click to learn some tips to lose weight.
Weight can be measured at home by using digital electronic weighing scales. It makes it easy to keep track of your weight and take the necessary steps to maintain weight.
Transtek is a top-rated OEM/ODM/JDM Company. Our mission is to improve chronic care management, including weight, hypertension and future diabetes management, by combining expertise and credibility. We are well known for our design and quality in manufacturing medically approved products, smart wearable technologies, and electronic healthcare scales.
Transtek is dedicated to research & development and focuses on technology innovation. We provide more advanced and smart solutions for our customers. Transtek has been integrating resources and creating a “Concept-to-Volume” platform. We offer design, quality, solution, and manufacturing services to top-notch brands worldwide for medical and healthcare technology products.
It is a cellular body fat scale. It connects to the 4G network and applies to the RPM platform. It has an extra-large and clear LCD with white digitals.
It has an automatic turn-off option without any operation after 10±2S. It uses eMTC technology with a non-slip ABS Platform Surface. It is reinforced with 8mm Thick Tempered Glass. It has a maximum capacity of bearing 250kg weight. It can be used on a carpet having a more prominent display of 85*53mm.
The use of 4G network technology embedded in the Cellular body weight scale BS-2001-G allows connected to be remote patient monitor (RPM) platform. It's important to feature that the platform size has increased 30% more than the usual bathroom scale as the 360mm x 360mm.
If you are looking for an advanced RPM weight monitoring device, our product is unsurpassed for this purpose. Its prominent display, convenient design, enhanced size, and non-slip platform make weight monitoring the best choice.